Math Test Review -Test is on place value, expanded and standard form, addition andsubtraction of up to 4-digit numbers (Gr. 4) and 5-digit numbers (Gr. 5)
Multiplication and Division Test Review - 2 digit by 2 digit
Area Model Multiplication.pdf
Division Review.PDF
Place Value Math Review.pdf
Math Expectations for Place Value
Grade 3
Students in Grade 3 are expected to represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 1000. They need to read and print in words whole numbers to one hundred and identify and represent the value of a digit in a number according to its position in the number. Students need to compose and decompose three-digit numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones and round two-digit numbers to the nearest 10.
Grade 4
Students in Grade 4 are expected to represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 10,000. They need to be able to read and print in words whole numbers to one thousand and identify and represent the value of a digit in a number according to its position in the number. They need to demonstrate their understanding of place value in whole numbers to 10,000, including comparing and ordering numbers up to the ten thousands. Students need to be able to round four-digit whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.
Multiplication Quiz:
- Grade 4 students need to know how to multiply up to 9x9, use mentalmath strategies to multiply by 10, 100, 1000, and multiply 2-digitnumbers by 1 digit number. Questions will also include word problems.
- Grade 5 students need to know how to multiply up to 12x12, use mentalmath strategies to multiply by 10, 100, 1000, 10000, and multiply2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Questions will also include wordproblems.
Multiplication and Division Test Review - 2 digit by 2 digit
Area Model Multiplication.pdf
Division Review.PDF
Grade 4 Number Pattern Expectations:
In this unit the Grade 4 students are expected to count by 3s, 4s, 6s,7s, 8s, 9s, and 10s to 100. They should be able to recognizemathematical relationships in patterns and demonstrate equivalence insimple numerical equations using a variety of strategies, Studentsshould be able to identify, describe and extend patterns, includinggrowing and shrinking patterns, using mathematical language. Theyshould be able to explain the pattern rule and be able to discuss anddefend their choice of the pattern rule.
Grade 5 Number Pattern Expectations:
The Grade 5 students need to be able to recognize the relationship between the position of a number and its value. They should be able to identify, extend and create patterns, including growing and shrinking patterns, that identify changes in terms of two variables. Students should be able to analyze number patterns and state the pattern rule and be able to defend the pattern rule as well as use patterns in a table of values to make predictions.
Number Patterns Math Review - NumberPatternsMathTestGrade.pdf, GradeMathTestNumberPatterns.pdf
Grade 4 Time Expectations:
In this unit the Grade 4 students are expected to estimate, measure (using an analog clock), and represent time intervals to the nearest minute; estimate and determine elapsed time, with and without using a time line, given the durations of events expressed in five-minute intervals, hours, days, weeks, months, or years; and solve problems involving the relationship between years and decades, and between decades and centuries.
Math Review for Time, Mass, Capacity, Volume
Time, Mass, Capacity, Volume Review.pdf
Math Review for Time, Mass, Capacity, Volume
Time, Mass, Capacity, Volume Review.pdf
Grade 4 Mass, Capacity and Volume Expectations:
In this unit the Grade 4 students are expected to estimate, measure, and record the mass of objects using the units grams and kilograms, estimate, measure, and record the capacity of a container using the units litres and millilitres. They also need to estimate, measure and record volume and relate volume to the space taken up by an object. They will need to be able to compare and order various mass and capacity measurements, justify the most appropriate mass or capacity for an object and convert grams to kilograms and millilitres to litres and vice versa.
Math Review for Time, Mass, Capacity, Volume
Time, Mass, Capacity, Volume Review.pdf
Geometry Review
Geometry Review
Grade 4 Geometry Expectations:
In this unit the Grade 4 students are expected to draw lines of symmetry in 2D figures; identify and compare various quadrilaterals and sort and classify them based on their geometric properties; identify and compare the benchmark angles (acute, right, obtuse, straight); relate angles to their measurements; identify and describe various prisms and pyramids based on their geometric properties; construct 3D figures and their skeletons; draw and describe nets of rectangular and triangular prisms
Geometry Review
Geometry Review
Various Data Management/Graphing Reviews
You will be tested on reading and making bar graphs, line graphs, range, mean, median, mode
Graphing Test Review 1
Graphing Test Review 2
Graphing Test Review 3
Probability Review 1.pdf
Probability Review 2.pdf
Division Review.PDF
Division Quiz:
- Grade 4 students need to know how to divide up to 81/9, use mentalmath strategies to divide by 10, 100, 1000, and divide 2-digit numbersby 1-digit numbers as well as dividing with remainders. Questions willinclude word problems.
- Grade 5 students need to know how to divide up to 144/12, use mentalmath strategies to divide by 10, 100, 1000, and divide 3-digit numbersby 1-digit numbers, including long division and dividing withremainders. Questions will include word problems.
Multiplication Quiz:
- Grade 4 students need to know how to multiply up to 9x9, use mentalmath strategies to multiply by 10, 100, 1000, and multiply 2-digitnumbers by 1 digit number. Questions will also include word problems.
- Grade 5 students need to know how to multiply up to 12x12, use mentalmath strategies to multiply by 10, 100, 1000, 10000, and multiply2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Questions will also include wordproblems.
Fraction and Decimal Review.PDF