Catholic School Council

Being a part of our Catholic School Council is one of many ways that you can get involved with your child's school. It is also a great way to have a voice in your child's education and get first hand knowledge of how our school runs.

Parents and guardians are welcome to participate in our school council ... no experience necessary! You may even decide to run for one of the executive positions. Please complete the Candidate Nomination Form and bring it to our elections and first meeting of the year to be eligible to participate as a council member.  If you do not wish to commit to every council meeting, you may instead sign up as a volunteer to support council initiatives and attend meetings that fit into your schedule.  For more information, please see our Monsignor Clair Catholic School Community By-Laws.

Meetings take place monthly on a Monday night at 6:30 pm in the school library.  Please see the Upcoming Events on the Home page or the Calendar for dates.